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The AureA Bb Clarinet is based on the acoustical designs that Tom produced with Leblanc in the 1990's. By using hard rubber, a stable material which machines to very tight tolerances, the results are an even better acoustic and more consistent clarinet. The AureA features silver keys with gold posts, leather pads, in-line trill keys, and a left hand Ab/Eb key. The AureA will come in a Protec slimline case and every clarinet is personally prepared, which includes adjustments both acoustically and mechanically, by Tom Ridenour.


The Lyrique Aurea A clarinet has been redesigned to make what was previously an outstanding instrument even better, both acoustically and mechanically. The Lyrique AureA A Clarinet now features silver plating with gold posts, a left hand Ab/Eb key, inline trill keys, and comes in a fantastic Protec double case.


The Aurea A will amaze you at how securely and evenly it responds and effortlessly it plays in tune.

However its real virtue lies in the the velvety warmth of tone that can be played at virtually canon-like volume levels without loss of quality. Yet, it is secure with no upper register "grunts" at whisper dynamic levels. Those who have to switch from Bb to A clarinet will appreciate how well the Lyrique A and Bb clarinets match in resistance. The common reaction of players is "this clarinet plays and sounds like I always imagined the A clarinet ought to play and sound!"


Speaking of blowing resistance, the normally stuffy right hand clarion tones common to many popular brands of A clarinets is a thing of the past with the Lyrique A. All the right hand clarion tones, especially the Bell B, respond quickly with a clear, resonant, liquid tone quality.


The upper clarion tones are not only full, round and stable in dynamic changes, but, as we have already noted, they have none of the "grunt," upper clarion "undertoning" problems so common to many A clarinets on today's market. In addition, the transition from the second to the third register is seamless, virtually eliminating embouchure/air pressure exchange and half-holing needed to secure response on other A clarinet models. Try playing "The Pines of Rome" solos on this A and you'll get all the wide intervals with a security and ease you never dreamed possible...and in tune!


Finally, there is the critical matter of tonal stability in dynamic changes. When you play the Lyrique A clarinet in the upper register and push the dynamic level the sound gets louder without spreading in shape, sagging in pitch and brightening in colour. Relax your embouchure and increase your air to get an even fuller dynamic and note how well the pitch, colour and shape hold together.

Lyrique AureA A Clarinet featuring silver keys with gold posts, inline trill keys, a left hand Ab/Eb key, comes in a Protec double case.

Set of AureA Clarinets, A & Bb in Protec Double Case

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